The perfect garden for your pets

Cats, dogs, and rabbits love to be outside. Even guinea pigs enjoy time in the garden, if they can stay warm. Cats are always given the freedom to be outdoors, but how can you make your garden the ideal space for other pets? In this blog, we’ll offer some useful tips that can help ensure that your dog and rabbit get to enjoy the great outdoors as well.

Good protection

You probably want to let your pets out into garden without the risk of them running away. Start with a good fence or wall around your garden. If you live next to a busy road, seal it off well. This not only helps to prevent accidents. Some dogs love to run back and forth after the cars, and if you’re unlucky, he’ll trample right through your favourite flowers! Many dogs are bundles of energy and love to have the space to run and play. For a dog, nothing can be better than a grass lawn or paved area in which to move around freely and play fetch. Make sure that the surface cannot hurt your dog’s paws. Shells are not a good idea.  

A hideout for pets

It's not too difficult to give your dog his own spot where he can relax. A hideout made from rocks or an old-fashioned dog kennel is easy to install. Give him some space near the edge of the garden so that he can always see you. A hideout can also be useful in sunny weather so that he can enjoy some shade. Rabbits and guinea pigs should not be allowed to play in the garden without supervision. Even if they have a good place to hide, they are not always safe around dogs, cats, or birds. In addition, it can sometimes be a real challenge to catch your rabbit or guinea pig again!  Give them a large run around their enclosure, and cover it with wire mesh. Embed the mesh deep in the ground so that they cannot dig it up. 

A hideout for pets

Avoid toxic plants

Choose plants and flowers that are safe. Some plants are highly toxic and can cause skin irritation, organ damage, and stomach and intestine problems in some animals. Avoid yew and rhododendron. Daffodils, tulips, and lupins are also a bad idea around pets. You can treat your cat with cat grass or catnip in a border. 

Protect your plants from being dug up

Dogs, chickens, and rabbits have a tendency to dig, so it’s a good idea to consider planting in raised borders . Flower boxes mounted to a wall are also beautiful and well out of the reach of pets. Don’t leave empty spots in borders – use ground covering or place gravel or bark chips around plants, to reduce the likelihood of your dog digging. If digging is just in his nature, you can also give your dog a fixed spot in the garden where he can dig freely. Rabbits also love somewhere to dig. Put some treats or fun toys in the lawn. That way, your dog will quickly learn that this is the only spot that he’s allowed to dig, acting as a kind of reward. The same also goes for spots you want them to urinate in – after all, you don’t want dead plants, bushes, and grass. Ensure that your dog has plenty of toys and things to chew on outside, and hopefully he’ll be less inclined to damage your things.