General properties: Morvan Waterstruck

100% natural resources

The most important base material for this type of facing brick is Westerwald clay, a natural white baking clay of the Westerwald region in the western part of Germany. Due to the use of the water-struck-technique the facing bricks sight will appear textured without sand coated surface.




Shade: single coloured

Base colour: black

Colour description


Available as

  • Brick
  • Brick slip

and information

Declaration of Performance (DoP)

Technical Specifications (CE)

White Paper: Coated bricks for preventive protection

KOMO certificates bricks (zip)

NL-BSB certificates Bricks (zip)

Environmental Product Declaration (pdf)

ISO 9001 (pdf)

ISO 14001 (pdf)

Processing recommendations sustainably attractive facades

Follow these recommendations for and by specialists!

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